Inventory Design
& Analysis
The unit „Inventory design and analysis“ develops methods and procedures for obtaining large-scale information about the Austrian forest. The statistical reliability of the results and the efficient collection and processing of the data are the main priorities. The comprehensive forest data have been gathered for several decades. They are scientifically processed and provided for various groups of users and stakeholders. Further core tasks are the participation in national and international research projects and the collaboration with the other European national forest inventories.
Priority Areas of Work
- Software development for and execution of data entry, data transfer, data storage and quality control
- Development and maintenance of the data base with all collected data since 1961
- Development of statistically sound and state of the art forest inventory designs
- Integration of remote sensing data to enhance the information about the state of the forests
- Development of mathematically and statistically based algorithms and models for analyses
- Analyses of NFI data for specific requests
- Processing, analysis, and dissemination of the NFI-results
- Collaboration in international projects, scientific publications and coordination of ENFIN (European National Forest Inventory Network)