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Projects and research

All articles and contributions to Projects and Research Results of the departments of the Research Centre for Forest can be found here. Using our Search in the menu you can search and filter all articles.

Baumstamm mit Höhlen

The European network Integrate - Network

As early as the COST Action E27 on the harmonization of protected forest areas (2002-2006), it became clear that protected forest areas in the strict categories account for only around 3% of Europe's forest area. The question therefore remains: what is happening in terms of biodiversity conservation in the remaining 97% of the forest?

Department for Forest Biodiversity & Nature Conservation

Woodland Bird Index for Austria - Project WBI

The main task are indicator update, review of representiveness and knowledge transfer.

Department for Forest Biodiversity & Nature Conservation
Zwei Männer stehen im Wald in messen Baumstämme im Rahmen der Waldinventur ab

MoniFun Project kicked off - MoniFun Project

New EU Project strives to enhance European Forest Monitoring.

Department for Forest Inventory
Drei Wanderer an einem See mit Wald im Hintergrund

WeNaTour – The European Alliance for Innovation and Sustainability Education in Welfare, Nature, and Tourism - WeNaTour Project

WeNaTour is a European project funded by the Erasmus+ program aimed at training new professionals for sustainable tourism and exploring emerging markets, while keeping the well-being of local communities and the preservation of the environment at the core of its strategies, towards a more responsible and sustainable future.

Unit for Forest Society & International Relations
Holzpellets in Großaufnahme

Strategies for the optimal bioenergy use in Austria - Project BIOSTRAT

Within the next two years, the project team of BIOSTRAT aims to identify optimal biomass utilization pathways up to 2050 optimized in terms of minimizing carbon emissions and costs.

Department for Forest Ecology & Soil

Online course on non-native trees - Education

The team of the ALPTREES project, which is co-financed by the European Union via the Interreg Alpine Space Programme, produced a free online course to give everyone the opportunity to deepen his or her knowledge about the sustainable use and management of non-native trees in the Alpine Space.

Unit for Forest Biodiversity
Test area in the Region Wienerwald

Austrian pine fit for climate change? - New test site

Climate projections forecast a rise of the Earth’s average temperature of 2 to 4 degrees Celsius until the year 2100. The prognosis for Austria is an increase of 3.5 degrees Celsius until 2100 (Österreichischer Sachstandsbericht zum Klimawandel, 2014). This will also lead to new challenges in the forestry sector. Sustainable managed forests and the utilization […]

Unit for Forest Growth
The forests at the Danube are the biggest semi-natural floodplain forest in Central Europe (picture: pixabay).

Detecting greenhouse gas emissions in floodplain forests - Climate change

Ecological processes in floodplains and their impact on greenhouse gas fluxes are still to be discovered. BFW therefore investigates the dynamic ecosystems in the Austrian Danube National Park.

Unit for Climate Impact Research Coordination
Garten mit mehreren Beeten

Experimental Garden Tulln - Project

In the BFW Experimental Garden Tulln, meticulous techniques are used to produce plants for the conservation and breeding of climate tolerant, rare and site specific tree species.

Department for Forest Biodiversity & Nature Conservation
Flowers of Parkia biglobosa Foto: Marco Schmidt, CC BY-SA 3.0

Making Chromosomes Visible - Forest genetics

Parkia biglobosa (African locust bean) or Néré is a versatile tree species in Africa. Among other things, it has been and is the subject of a series of genetic examinations and provenance trials with the aim of selecting more drought-resistant forms. Despite all types of interest in this tree species, we have only poor knowledge […]

Unit for Provenance Research & Breeding

Video: Impact of Climate Change in Africa - Multimedia

Burkina Faso, situated in the west of Africa, experiences a tropical climate depending on its geographical location. The rainy season lasts for almost two to five months and is a major driver of its floristic and vegetational characteristics of the region. The typical park landscapes i.e. cultivated landscapes created for agroforestry practices are exposed to […]

Department for Forest Biodiversity & Nature Conservation

Two decades of natural forest reserves - Nature protection

20 years of natural forest reserves, 195 natural forest reserves over a total area of 8403 ha – almost the size of a  national park. Research in natural forest reserves is long-term research. This costs time and resources. And the long-standing observation plots are already bearing fruit. The Austrian Natural Forest Reserves Programme was initiated […]

Unit for Natural Forest Reserves