The Whistleblower Protection Act 2023 obligates companies, including public bodies, to establish systems in which reports can be made, and the identity of the informants is protected. The goal is to promote integrity, transparency, and compliance, while safeguarding whistleblowers from disadvantages. The BFW Whistleblower Platform offers all employees, external customers, suppliers, contractors, and project partners, etc., the opportunity to confidentially and anonymously report potential violations of legal regulations, internal policies, or other ethical concerns. We want to emphasize that both the reports themselves and the identity of the whistleblowers are protected by law. It is of particular concern to us to ensure that no disadvantages or negative consequences occur against the informants.
The platform is hosted by an external company specialized in secure whistleblower systems. This ensures the confidentiality and anonymity of the reported information. Reports can be submitted with or without contact information. The receipt of written reports is confirmed no later than seven calendar days via the provided contact details or anonymously through the whistleblower system. Changes or corrections can be made. Within three months of receiving the report, it will be announced which follow-up measures were taken based on the report or for what reasons a report will not be pursued.
To ensure that all reports are adequately processed and reviewed, Victoria Lyakin (Legal Counsel) and Alois Schuschnigg (Compliance Officer) have access to the system. Their task is to carefully review the received reports and initiate necessary actions. In this role, both employees are independent and not subject to directives.
We kindly request that only reports indicating potentially criminal characteristics and those whose accuracy you are convinced of to the best of your knowledge be submitted. This platform is not intended for general inquiries or personal complaints. Such reports will not be processed within this platform.
Reported information and the identity of whistleblowers will be treated strictly confidential.