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RE-ENFORCE – Transnational Cooperation on nature-based solutions for restoring degraded forests of Central Europe - Project RE-ENFORCE

The forests of Central Europe provide a diverse range of ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration, protective functions, biodiversity support, and job creation, while also serving as cost-effective measures for climate protection. However, the effects of climate change are increasingly threatening forest ecosystems and presenting them with major challenges in terms of adapting to changing climatic conditions and protecting biodiversity.

Unit for Forest Growth
Drei Frauen sitzen an einem Tisch und diskutieren

The future of the ‘forest – wood – paper’ sector is determined by research - FTP network meeting 2024

The annual meeting of the Austrian Forest Technology Platform on 19 November 2024 at the Austrian Research Centre for Forests (BFW) in Vienna initiated an intensive discussion of the future of the sector in the presence of Johan Elvnert from Brussels (Secretary General, FTP).


Forest Groove – forest biodiversity in harmony - Project "Forest Groove"

When pupils investigate the biodiversity of the forest not with a microscope but with a microphone and create their own sound mixes, then they are part of the innovative Sparkling Science project "Forest Groove" of the Austrian Research Centre for Forests (BFW). The project creatively combines science, environmental education and music.

KI generiertes Bild

City – Tree – Soil - Project

The ‘City - Tree - Soil’ project is investigating how the urban environment affects the soil and tree growth.

Unit for Site & Vegetation
Waldstück mit Totholz

New Study Published on the Prioritization of Stepping Stone Areas - Study

The forest biodiversity team at BFW has published a new study on the identification and prioritization of suitable stepping stone areas for Austrian forests.

Department for Forest Biodiversity & Nature Conservation
Wiese mit kleinen Tannen im Vordergrund

Climate Change Threatens the European Forest Carbon Sink, But Assisted Migration Offers Hope -

A new study published today in the journal Nature Climate Change reveals that simply planting more trees in Europe won't be enough to effectively combat climate change and preserve the continent's terrestrial carbon sink.

Department for Forest Growth, Silviculture & Genetics
The forests at the Danube are the biggest semi-natural floodplain forest in Central Europe (picture: pixabay).

Detecting greenhouse gas emissions in floodplain forests - Climate change

Ecological processes in floodplains and their impact on greenhouse gas fluxes are still to be discovered. BFW therefore investigates the dynamic ecosystems in the Austrian Danube National Park.

Unit for Climate Impact Research Coordination

Managing the climate crisis: Outlook for forest and timber utilization - CareforParis

Vienna, Oktober 2019: The effects of the global climate change impact the Austrian forest. This will influence the contribution of the forest to climate protection. With the rising average temperature, the carbon storage capacity decreases. Necessary adaptations affect the economic yields from the raw material timber. The less wood is used as replacement for non-renewable […]

Unit for Forest Growth
Flowers of Parkia biglobosa Foto: Marco Schmidt, CC BY-SA 3.0

Making Chromosomes Visible - Forest genetics

Parkia biglobosa (African locust bean) or Néré is a versatile tree species in Africa. Among other things, it has been and is the subject of a series of genetic examinations and provenance trials with the aim of selecting more drought-resistant forms. Despite all types of interest in this tree species, we have only poor knowledge […]

Unit for Provenance Research & Breeding
Garten mit mehreren Beeten

Experimental Garden Tulln - Project

In the BFW Experimental Garden Tulln, meticulous techniques are used to produce plants for the conservation and breeding of climate tolerant, rare and site specific tree species.

Department for Forest Biodiversity & Nature Conservation

Two decades of natural forest reserves - Nature protection

20 years of natural forest reserves, 195 natural forest reserves over a total area of 8403 ha – almost the size of a  national park. Research in natural forest reserves is long-term research. This costs time and resources. And the long-standing observation plots are already bearing fruit. The Austrian Natural Forest Reserves Programme was initiated […]

Unit for Natural Forest Reserves
Waldstück mit Totholz

New Study Published on the Prioritization of Stepping Stone Areas - Study

The forest biodiversity team at BFW has published a new study on the identification and prioritization of suitable stepping stone areas for Austrian forests.

Department for Forest Biodiversity & Nature Conservation