Green Care WALD
BFW is committed to the social importance of the forest with Green Care WALD. Green Care WALD works in close coordination with Green Care – Wo Menschen aufblühen.
For whom we work
Social engagement in the forest is versatile and appeals to a wide variety of target groups. Green Care WALD projects use the forest as a resource and benefit from the forest owners’ forest knowledge. With the know-how of the social services, educational, advisory, social and therapeutic interventions in the forest are made possible. Thus, the Green Care WALD initiative offers interested forest owners the possibility to build up an additional mainstay in the social sector.
Green Care WALD sees itself in the role of mediator between forest owners, forest enterprises, as well as social, health, educational and economic actors.
Green Care WALD connects and mediates
The Green Care WALD network provides impetus for projects, is a contact point for ideas, and works to connect and support. We want to bring together people behind the different lines of work and get them involved in joint projects that have one goal: Social engagement in the forest.
Forest Kindergarden
Advocates for the establishment of forest kindergardens in Austria and cooperates with the association Waldpädagogik.
Green Care Austria
Further and detailed information on Green Care, Green Care farms, certifications, further and advanced training, Green Care partners, and much more can be found on the Greencare Austria website.
Scientific exchange
For the scientific exchange and the further development of the topic Green Care in the forest, the BFW organizes events relevant to the topic.