Course program
Training Centre
The Forest Training Centre Ossiach is located at the Ossiacher Lake in Carinthia. It has a training forest, which is mainly used for practical work. The goal of FAST Ossiach is to train forest professionals.
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The Forest Training Centre Traunkirchen started operations at its new location in Traunkirchen in September 2018. Its main task is the training and further education of all those working in forestry and those interested in the forest in theory and practice.
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Management of spruce stands
Thinning measures can achieve desired dimensions in a comparatively short time and reduce the production risk. Seminar with practical thinning display.
Hardwood management
On request, excursions to endurance test plots and seminars on practice-relevant topics (planting associations, stem number reduction and thinning) are organized.
Eschenprachtkäfer-Tracking Dogs
The BFW uses sniffer dogs to find pests on packaging wood or in infested trees. For this purpose the Institute for Forest Protection offers training at the FAST Ossiach.
The ash tree shoot and its fungi
The Institute for Forest Protection makes knowledge about the dying of the ash tree shoot available to all persons involved in forestry.
"Boden macht Schule"
The ground is dirty, you can walk on it and play football. But there is much more that soil can do for schoolchildren in the workshop series "Boden macht Schule"