Assessment Methods
& Surveys
The Unit of Assessment Methods and Survey collects data pertaining to the Austrian forest. These data must offer excellent quality and – as far as they concern the Austrian Forest Inventory – be comparable with earlier survey periods. It is important that the survey teams (mainly temporary staff) identify and record identical parameters. This goal is achieved by providing detailed instructions and periodic training sessions, including reference surveys and supervision of survey staff. In the years between the surveys, pilot projects on methodological issues including special forms of interpretation are conducted.
Priority Areas of Work
- Data collection for the Austrian Forest Inventory
- Contribution to field surveys under other projects (e.g. ICP Forests- Level 2, BioSoil, Mid-term evaluation of forestry projects funded by the European Union)
- Harmonisation of forest inventory at the European level
- Survey characteristics for new thematic issues such as biodiversity, Kyoto reporting or protection forest and assurance of their suitability for survey
- Preparation of instruction manuals for surveys of the Austrian Forest Inventory
- Harmonisation of assessment procedures applied by temporary survey staff (training, supervision, control)
- Elaboration of survey characteristics for new thematic issues (e.g. biodiversity, Kyoto-Reporting) and secure the applicability of such surveys
- Assessment of tree measurement data for adapting volume functions to possible environmental changes