Remote Sensing
The unit of Remote Sensing sustains the Austrian National Forest Inventory (NFI) with the help of Remote Sensing methods. The data gained from Aerial and Satellite Imagery is evaluated together with data collected in-situ. 3d point clouds are operationally created fort he whole of Austria with Image Matching techniques using aerial images. After combination with LIDAR (Laserscanning) data digital height models are generated which are the basis for several applications. These are forest parameters like forest area, timber volume, biomass, gain and use.
Furthermore satellite images like Sentinal-1 and Sentinel-2 are used in order to detect forest damages and to enhance information about soil moisture in forests. High accurate forest maps, a nationwide net of forest roads and forest type maps are produced and updated continuously by using the combination of all available Remote Sensing data.
Priority areas of work
- Development and use of Remote Sensing methods to supplement and enlarge information about the Austrian forest
- Production of nationwide digital surface models using aerial images
- Creation of high accurate nationwide forest maps
- Generation of nationwide forest type maps
- Nationwide estimation of forest parameters like timber vollume and biomass
- Combined evaluation of Remote Sensing data and in situ collected data of the Austrian NFI
- Supporting forest management planning
- Recording a nationwide net of forest roads
- Detection of forest damages with satellite imagery
- Continuous updating of maps