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Twinning Serbia

Wald in Serbien

In 2013 the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) between the EU and the Republic of Serbia entered into force. Article 1 Section 2 (d) of the SAA states that the aim of the Association established is “to support the efforts of Serbia to develop its economic and international cooperation, including through the approximation of its legislation to that of the Community”. Furthermore Title VI – Approximation of law law enforcement and competition rules Article 72 Section 1 of the SAA states “the Parties recognize the importance of the approximation of the existing legislation in Serbia to that of the Community and of its effective implementation.

Serbia shall endeavour to ensure that its existing laws and future legislation will be gradually made compatible with the Community acquis. Serbia shall ensure that existing and future legislation will be properly implemented and enforced”. The implementation of project activities expansion of international network of contacts and working together with Member State partners of Austria and Slovakia will assist the Republic of Serbia in aligning the forest sector policy and legislation to the EU acquis. Experts from Austria and Slovakia will assist the staff of Directorate of Forests within Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Serbia in assessing the existing legislation and implementing procedures in accordance with EU requirements in the area of forestry.

Overall Obejctive: To improve forest governance in Serbia in line with EU standards and requirements and to introduce comprehensive sectoral policy to ensure the reduction of illegal activities and resilience of forests to climate change. Specific Objective: To strengthen capacities of forestry sector in Serbia to be able to implement obligations stemming from EU standards and regulations in the field of forestry and forestry related fields including timber market Forest Information System subsidies NATURA 2000 and bio economy.

The project has three main components

  • (1) Forestry sector policy and administrative capacities in the forestry sector of Serbia assessed and improved 
  • (2) Payment system in the forestry sector assessed and improved 
  • (3) Timber trade system legislation harmonized with EU requirements in the respective area


Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Regions and Tourism, Environmental Agency Austria, Österreichische Bundesforste, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Republic of Slovakia, National Forest Centre (Národné lesnícke centrum)Zvolen, Slovakia


European Commission through Department for Contracting and Financing of EU Funded Programmes, Ministry of Finance, Serbia

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