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Projects and research

All articles and contributions to Projects and Research Results of the departments of the Research Centre for Forest can be found here. Using our Search in the menu you can search and filter all articles.

RE-ENFORCE – Transnational Cooperation on nature-based solutions for restoring degraded forests of Central Europe - Project RE-ENFORCE

The forests of Central Europe provide a diverse range of ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration, protective functions, biodiversity support, and job creation, while also serving as cost-effective measures for climate protection. However, the effects of climate change are increasingly threatening forest ecosystems and presenting them with major challenges in terms of adapting to changing climatic conditions and protecting biodiversity.

Unit for Forest Growth

Forest Groove – forest biodiversity in harmony - Project "Forest Groove"

When pupils investigate the biodiversity of the forest not with a microscope but with a microphone and create their own sound mixes, then they are part of the innovative Sparkling Science project "Forest Groove" of the Austrian Research Centre for Forests (BFW). The project creatively combines science, environmental education and music.

Unit for Communications & Knowledge Transfer
KI generiertes Bild

City – Tree – Soil - Project

The ‘City - Tree - Soil’ project is investigating how the urban environment affects the soil and tree growth.

Unit for Site & Vegetation
Baumstamm mit Höhlen

The European network Integrate - Network

As early as the COST Action E27 on the harmonization of protected forest areas (2002-2006), it became clear that protected forest areas in the strict categories account for only around 3% of Europe's forest area. The question therefore remains: what is happening in terms of biodiversity conservation in the remaining 97% of the forest?

Department for Forest Biodiversity & Nature Conservation

Woodland Bird Index for Austria - Project WBI

The main task are indicator update, review of representiveness and knowledge transfer.

Department for Forest Biodiversity & Nature Conservation
Zwei Männer stehen im Wald in messen Baumstämme im Rahmen der Waldinventur ab

MoniFun Project kicked off - MoniFun Project

New EU Project strives to enhance European Forest Monitoring.

Department for Forest Inventory

Conserving forest biodiversity through habitat connectivity - Stepping stones

The ConnectForestBiodiversity project makes an important contribution to the conservation and enhancement of habitat connectivity through the establishment and setting aside from management of habitat patches in forests.

Unit for Forest Biodiversity
Wald in Serbien

Twinning Serbia - Improvement of forest management in Serbia as a contribution to climate change adaptation and mitigation

In 2013 the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) between the EU and the Republic of Serbia entered into force. Article 1 Section 2 (d) of the SAA states that the aim of the Association established is "to support the efforts of Serbia to develop its economic and international cooperation, including through the approximation of its legislation to that of the Community".

Unit for Forest Society & International Relations
Forschungsteam, bestehend aus 10 Personen, stehen im Wald

Soil Warming Experiment Achenkirch - Long term experiment

The project investigates how global warming affects forest soil processes. A special focus lies on soil carbon. Forest soil store huge amounts of organic carbon which could be released into the atmosphere. Decomposer microbes mineralize dead organic matter such as leave and root litter and thereby release important nutrients for plant growth. A share of […]

Unit for Climate Impact Research Coordination
Laubholzwald mit einem rot markierten Baumstamm rechts

Evidence-based cultivation recommendations in climate change - Research project

Research cooperation for the realization of sustainable and climate-adapted forest conversion.

Department for Forest Growth, Silviculture & Genetics

ALPTREES | Sustainable use and management of non native trees in the alpine region - Decision support system

The use of non-native tree species polarise the opinions of experts and citizens. Adaption to climate change versus invasiveness are factors to be considered in the future management of forests and urban tree populations.

Unit for Forest Biodiversity
Meassurement of diameter

Information for Europe’s bioeconomy - Forest inventory

Comprehensive information on forest ecosystems and landscape changes are collected through national forest inventories. More efforts are needed to harmonise the data to make it comparable and easy to access. The project DIABOLO tackles Europe’s social, ecological and economic challenge, by providing such a platform of exchange. The increasing competition for forest resources will necessitate […]

Unit for Inventory Design & Analysis