Experimental Garden Tulln

The adaptation of Austrian forests to climate change and the preservation of tree species diversity require exceptional know-how and a wide variety of methods. In the BFW Experimental Garden Tulln, meticulous techniques are used to produce plants for the conservation and breeding of climate tolerant, rare and site specific tree species.
The team of the Experimental Garden supports numerous research projects and offers multiple services including training. Expertise includes plugwood (graft stick) production, grafting, generative and vegetative propagation for experimental crops, growing seedlings from plantation seed, and plantation maintenance and seed recovery.
Rare tree species
A special contribution to biodiversity lies in the work with rare tree species. Wild service tree, wild pear, wild apple, and European Speierling as well as numerous nut tree species are propagated in the Tulln Experimental Garden and thus preserved for future generations.

The Experimental Garden Tulln of the BFW was designed more than 40 years ago for performing scientific field trials and cultivating experimental plants. Due to its location in the floodplain, poplar and willow species thrive particularly well here, which is why seed trees for the rare black poplar as well as for a large number of other poplar and willow varieties for commercial biomass production, were established here.
The Experimental Garden team has also acquired extensive knowledge in generative (via seed), vegetative, and xenovegetative propagation of most hard wood species through many years of project collaboration. All plants for the BFW’s generative plantations have been propagated here by grafting, as were a large number of the plants for Austria wide planting trials.
Here you can learn more about the services offered by the Experimental Garden Tulln.

Research projects
Selection of research projects in which the Experimental Garden is involved:
Experimental Garden Tulln, Zur Bildereiche 2, 3430 Tulln an der Donau
Heino Konrad, heino.konrad@bfw.gv.at
Experimental Garden Tulln, versuchsgartentulln@bfw.gv.at
Katharina Lapin, katharina.lapin@bfw.gv.at